TECHBASE is a database management system specifically designed
for Engineering or Scientific data. The database has no practical
limit on the number of fields per record or records per database.
Several types of fields are provided to assist in the manipulation
and modeling of the large databases commonly used in technical
applications. A filtering capability is provided to allow for
the creation of a temporary subset of the database for analysis,
modeling and reporting. The TECHBASE software package
includes the following:
DEFINE DEFINE is the program
that creates and modifies database structures. Databases, TABLES
and FIELDS can be created, modified or deleted. TABLES can be
sorted in either ascending or descending order, a new set of
key fields can be defined, previously deleted records can be
recovered, or records can be "squeezed" to eliminate
empty space in the database from deleted records. The database
dictionary including all of the FIELDS and TABLES and their parameters
can be written to an output file.
LOAD reads values from an ASCII file into specified FIELDS of
a database. The format can be specified, or free format can be
used. Out of range values are identified automatically. Input
filters may be set to select subsets of the ASCII file. Load
formats can be stored in files to allow quick use of standard
REPORT is a flexible report generator that writes database record
values to a file in a user specified format. A report file can
be created that is suitable for final copy reports, or an ASCII
file can be written for use as input for another program. Report
formats can also be stored in files for easy reporting of standard
TBCALC calculates database FIELD values. It operates as an RPN
(Reverse Polish Notation) calculator, storing the results of
the calculations in the same FIELD or another field previously
defined in the database. A wide variety of mathematical and Boolean
logic functions are available to assist in the calculation of
data values. TBCALC provides temporary registers to assist in
the development of complex calculations, and to copy values from
record to record. Calculations may be preformed on TEXT as well
as NUMERIC fields, providing a wide variety of functionality.
Database records can be edited, inserted, or deleted with TBEDIT.
The records are loaded into the worktable and are displayed either
one record at a time or as a full screen display. There are several
options to assist in manipulating the data including options
for finding specific records, sorting the worktable based on
user specified fields, and the ability to make global changes
to field values.
TRANSFER reformats a database definition, and the database values
so that they may be archived or transferred between computers.
An error detection and correction protocol is included to assure
a clean transfer of data.
TECHBASE supports a variety of database table types designed
to provide the storage for the data structures created in the
analysis and modeling of the raw data. The availability of structured
table types is one of the major advantages of TECHBASE in
the storage of engineering data.
FLAT tables store lists of discrete data. There is no practical
limit on the number of fields or the number of records that can
be in a FLAT table. The FLAT table is analogous to the type of
files managed by most commercial database managers. Each row
of a spread-sheet is a typical example of a record in a FLAT
table, with each column of a spread-sheet being an example of
a field.
CELL tables provide storage for raw data or models best represented
as a two-dimensional array, or a grid of records. The table has
a defined origin, number of columns and rows, and column and
row sizes. Variable cells sizes can be defined. Data storage
requirements are minimized because the coordinate information
is stored once for the entire table, not in each record. There
is no limit on the number of fields for each cell record.
BLOCK tables provide storage for raw data or models best represented
as a three-dimensional array of records. The table has a defined
origin, number of columns, rows, and levels, and column, row,
and level sizes. Variable block sizes can be defined. Data storage
requirements are minimized because the coordinate information
is stored once for the entire table, not in each record. There
is no limit on the number of fields for each BLOCK record.
LAYER tables provide storage for raw data or models best represented
as a stack of two dimensional arrays, or grids of data records.
The table has a defined origin, number of columns and rows, and
column and row sizes. Variable column and row sizes can be defined.
A list of layers is defined by layer name. Data storage requirements
are minimized because the coordinate information is stored once
for the entire table, not in each record. There is no limit on
the number of fields for each LAYER record.
POLYGON tables provide storage for the boundary points as well
as any attribute information associated with a two or three-dimensional
polygon. Perimeter and area of the polygon are automatically
calculated by TECHBASE. There is no limit on the number
of points per polygon, or the number of fields associated with
each polygon.
JOIN allows two tables to be combined. Records are joined or
related according to a common field in the two tables.
The ODBC table type links TECHBASE to an external ODBC-compliant
database such as Oracle or Access. Once you have set up an ODBC
table linking external information to TECHBASE, you can
use information stored in these databases when running TECHBASE
TEXT TEXT fields contain values made up of a fixed number
of printable characters. Each TEXT field has attributes of Length
and Justification. TEXT values are provided to the TECHBASE
programs as literal values. Embedded blanks are legal. Values
longer than the declared Length are truncated, and a warning
will be provided. Legal values include "abc", "a
b c", and " ".
INTEGER INTEGER fields contain whole-number values. Each INTEGER
field has attributes of Minimum and Maximum. INTEGER values are
provided to the TECHBASE programs as a series of digits.
Legal values include: "1", "100", and "-3".
Values outside the declared range may be accepted, but a warning
will be provided.
REAL REAL fields contain
real-number values. Each REAL field has attributes: Minimum,
Maximum, and Display Precision. The Display Precision describes
the number of digits after the decimal point. REAL values are
provided to the TECHBASE programs as a series of digits,
with an optional decimal point. Legal values include: "1",
"1.23", and "-3.5". Exponential notation
is also accepted, for example: "1.2e4" is equivalent
to "12000". Values outside the declared range may or
may not be accepted, but a warning will be provided. Whenever
a range error is encountered, check your data.
DATE DATE fields contain
date-time values. Each DATE field has attributes of Minimum,
Maximum, and Precision. The Precision describes the precision
to which the date should be reported. Precision can be YEAR,
are provided to the TECHBASE programs in the following
format: "year/month/day;hour:minute:second.millisec"
Legal formats include:
Values outside the declared range may be accepted, but a warning
will be provided. When used as a numeric value, dates are converted
to days and fractional days according to the Julian calendar.
This allows the user to perform calculations on DATE fields.
TIME TIME fields contain
time values in the format (hour:minute:second.millisecond).
Fields defined by a TECHBASE
user can have one of three classes, specified when the field
is defined. ACTUAL fields contain values supplied by the user,
and modifiable by the user or by TECHBASE programs. If
no value is supplied for an ACTUAL field in a record, it is counted
as "missing". No special action is required by the
user to indicate "missing" status, other than simply
not providing a value, or erasing a value previously provided.
CALCULATED CALCULATED fields contain values calculated from other
fields. The user supplies the equation when the field is defined.
No values can be directly supplied for the field, only indirectly,
by supplying the values for the fields used in the equation.
If any of the fields in the equation are "missing",
or if an illegal operation is attempted (for instance dividing
by zero), the CALCULATED field value will be "missing".
MEASURED MEASURED fields contain
numeric values supplied by the user, and modifiable by the user
or by TECHBASE programs. In addition to actual numeric
values, a MEASURED field may also contain text values or labels,
each of which is assigned an equivalent numeric value by the
user when the field is created. If a text value is entered for
the field, it will be used in all displays, reports, and graphics
output. If the field value is used in a context requiring a numeric
value, however, the equivalent numeric value will be used. For
example, a REAL, MEASURED field may have a range from 0 to 100,
with a text value list of:
"n/s" null "trace" .01 "<1"
In this case, a value of "n/s" (no sample) will be
accepted for the field, with a null (missing) numeric value,
a value of "trace" will have the numeric equivalent
.01, and the text value "<1" will have the numeric
value .5. All other values accepted for the field must be actual
numeric values.
AUTOMATIC A fourth field class is created automatically by TECHBASE.
Each table has one or more AUTOMATIC fields. These are read-only
fields, similar to CALCULATED fields, which contain information
about the records in the table. These fields are recognizable
in a database, because they are given names using the table name,
and a suffix for each AUTOMATIC field, for example: "tablename_rec".
TAP-Stat is a statistical software package specially designed
to perform univariate and multivariate numerical analysis on
data stored in a TECHBASE database. The filtering capability
of TECHBASE allows for this analysis to be done on an
arbitrary subset of the data. Both graphical and tabular outputs
are produced by the following programs:
CORREL CORREL statistically
summarizes multivariate distributions of numeric data of specific
databases. The CORREL program allows the calculation of correlation,
regression, and some nonparametric statistics of bi-variate distributed
data. The program will calculate the confidence values for the
cumulative frequency distribution diagrams. A cumulative frequency
diagram is plotted with value as the horizontal axis, and percentage
less than the value on the vertical axis. The percentage may
be accumulated in a series of "class intervals", or
the contribution from each data point can be plotted individually.
DUPE DUPE identifies duplicate
records in a table based on the values for one or more fields,
reports these values to an output file and can optionally delete
the duplicate values. As an alternative, values can be assigned
to fields to identify the duplicate records for later use.
HISTO HISTO generates histograms
of database values. Histograms are used to show how data is distributed.
Histograms can be thought of as distribution diagrams which show
the actual percentage of values falling into a certain range,
called a "class." The histogram classes are user-defined.
summarizes the bivariate distribution of numeric data of a specified
database. The SCATTER program scales one value along one axis,
scales the other value along the remaining axis, and plots a
symbol at the common intersection. A visual summary of the relationships
between the values can be seen using the SCATTER program.
the following summary statistics for database values: mean, median,
mode, variance, standard deviation, range, kurtosis, and coefficient
of variance. In addition Chi-square, and two tailed t-distribution
hypothesis statistics can be calculated.
summarizes the trivariate distributions of numeric data of a
specified database. The TRIPLOT program allows the plotting of
three different values along three different axis. The axes form
a triangle and the units that are plotted sum to one hundred
percent. The data values are automatically normalized before
TAP-Stat II is an advanced statistical
software package specially designed to perform multivariate numerical
analysis on data stored in a TECHBASE database. The filtering
capability of TECHBASE allows for this analysis to be
done on an arbitrary subset of the data. Both graphical and tabular
outputs are produced by the following programs:
BWHISK BWHISK "graphically
summarizes" the univariate distributions of NUMERIC data
from a database. A visual summary of the relationships between
the values and their distribution can be graphically compared
using the BWHISK program. Distribution medians, standard deviations,
minimum, maximums, standard errors, and extreme values can be
and reports various multivariate statistics from given input
fields. Filters for valid records may also be specified. Fields
can be selected from the database that will be used as the dependent
and independent values by MULTIVAR. Either Q-mode or R-mode factor
analysis statistics for the specified field variables can be
calculated. Principal Component Analysis can be calculated and
reported to an output file. MULTIVAR will calculate multiple
regression and a linear discriminant function between two univariate
data groups.
Note: All multivariate calculations
use case-wise deletion. That is, there must be no missing values
in a record or the entire record is not considered for the calculation.
Analysis is a series
of applications that when combined with other TECHBASE programs
provide a powerful analysis package for the solution of hydrogeological
and geotechnical problems. The package is designed so that data
input, analysis and reporting are simplified by using a concise
collection of tools that have TECHBASE as the central
component. This strategy also facilitates data archiving and
transfer between computers with TECHBASE packages on them.
The application implements a series of specialty applications
in statistics and analytical methods.
ROSE is a tool used to output statistics and generate graphical
representations of a two-dimensional oriented data set.
Stereo produces Stereonet diagrams of 3-D directional or vector
PIPER PIPER is a trilinear
diagram tool used to graphically represent a number of water
quality anion - cation analyses on a single triangular graph
in which major groupings or trends can be viewed. The major-ion
composition is represented through a set of points plotted in
a triangle shaped diagram composed of two trilinear diagrams
and a rhombus.
STIFF is a water quality tool used to graphically represent the
cation and anion composition of a set of samples into a set of
connected diagrams as described by Stiff (1951). Sets of four
stiff diagrams are plotted per page.
version of the USGS Ground-Water-Flow Model which represents
an Aquifer as a multi-layered cell table, where each layer and
cell can have different characteristics which represent the characteristics
of the aquifer.
TSLOPE3 as a tool used for analyzing 3-D slope stability problems.
It uses a horizontal force equilibrium method, which is equivalent
for non-circular failure surfaces.
AP-Graph is an integrated graphing and
mapping software package that is designed to graphically display any of the
values stored in a TECHBASE database. The filtering capability of TECHBASE
allows any of the graphics to be created from a temporary subset
of the data. All output is produced using a proprietary GKS (Graphics
Kernal System) graphics system which conforms to the international
GKS standard. All graphics are device independent, allowing TAP-Graph
to be used with a wide variety of graphics terminals, plotters,
dot-matrix printers, laser printers and other graphic devices.
All of the graphics programs allow for interactive review on
a graphic workstation and an un-draw command is provide to allow
for corrections. User-developed graphical macros such as title
blocks and logos may also be plotted. The TAP-Graph package includes
the following tools:
GRIDCONT GRIDCONT creates a contour map from data values located
on a regular grid. The data may be actual values or estimated
values generated by one of the two or three dimensional estimators
in TAP-Model. Complete control is available over major and minor
line styles and colors.
POSTER POSTER creates fully
annotated location maps, base sheets or any two dimensional graphs.
Proportional or constant sized symbols may be used to mark data
locations. Text can be posted around markers at any angle and
in any size. Modeled cells or polygons can be plotted with user
defined colors and fill patterns.
a contour map from randomly located data values using a triangulation
algorithm. This allows for the development of a contour map without
the need to construct a regular grid. RANDCONT creates its own
internal grid from the data values. The polygons lines generated
may optionally be written to an ASCII file.
SDIGIT SDIGIT is a fully
functional digitizing system that can be used with a variety
of digitizers. SDIGIT's planimeter function provides the capability
of calculating both areas and distances automatically. It has
the ability to scale the X and Y axes independently in any rectangular
coordinate system including left-handed or mirrored. Multiple
user defined text or numeric markers can be used to identify
digitized points. Some of the features include: markers can be
incremented by any number; points can be interpolated evenly
between two end-points; area and distance calculations are performed
cross section plots. Points, lines, and drill holes are projected
into cross sectional views. Any modeled surface or block model
can be cut by the cross section. There are three views available:
front view, top view, and right view, which may be requested
MFEDIT MFEDIT is the TECHBASE metafile editor. This editor
allows text, lines, markers, and filled areas in a GKS metafile
to be modified, resized, moved, or deleted. New graphics items
can be created interactively.
TAP-Graph II adds additional
power and flexibility to the original TAP-Graph. This package,
designed to be purchased in conjunction with TAP-Graph, includes
a library of fonts and markers, a symbol generator, a graphics
editor, and two additional graphing programs.
FONTS Extends the basic
TAP-Graph font library to include over 14 additional type sets.
The new fonts include Duplex and Triplex Roman, Italic, Script,
and Gothic. In addition, there are three Greek fonts and one
Cyrillic font also included.
TBSTYLE Allows the user to
define any set of lines, points or patterns into unique symbols
or markers to be used by any of the graphic programs for plotting
on maps or charts with on-screen feedback. A sample set of markers
used in the Geographic, Environmental, Mining, Oil and Gas, and
Civil disciplines is provided. Symbols can be combined to provide
the ability to make complex symbols from combinations of other
a three dimensional perspective view of data values stored in
a TECHBASE database. The user is not limited to diagonal
line of sight, rather they can specify any line of sight. Options
include hidden line removal, plotting constant values in one
direction (x, y, or z), skirting, and plotting in stereo for viewing
with a stereo viewer. Points and lines can be plotted on any
surface in proper perspective.
POLYEDIT POLYEDIT is an interactive
polygon/polyline editor. The user may either modify digitized
files and/or create new files. Extensive capabilities are included
to ensure the integrity of the resulting polygons. POLYEDIT is
unique in its ability to display a TECHBASE graphics metafile,
and use it as a background to allow digitizing without the need
to create a paper copy.
a display of directionally oriented proportionally sized vectors
that are used to represent flow rates and direction. Typical
applications include the estimated water flow through an aquifer
or display of surface slope directions.
View your data in 3D using the INSIGHT program. From a fixed
or rotating viewpoint, you can plot modeled surfaces and blocks,
and points, lines and polygons. You can adjust background color,
transparency of layers, sun angle, turn on or off objects, draw
contours adjust exaggeration and ambient light. Objects can be
viewed in wireframe, mesh or smooth modes.
TAP-Model provides capabilities for calculating spatial statistics
from two or three-dimensional data values. TECHBASE database
values may then be modeled as either a two or three-dimensional
database structure. A variety of conventional and geostatistical
estimation techniques are included, which may be used interchangeably
on the same data. The filtering capabilities of TECHBASE
allow any of the modeling techniques to act on a temporary subset
of the data.
equal basis composites of samples from vertical, inclined, or
surveyed drill holes. Channel and bench samples may also be composited,
as well as time domain data. Composites can be created on the
basis of equal length, equal vertical distance, equal geology,
or for specific user-defined intervals.
INVERSE estimates point, cell, or block model values using the
inverse distance to a power algorithm. The algorithm searches
for neighboring raw data points, selecting some number of points
requested by the user. The i, j, k dimensions of the search radius
can be specified along with an azimuth and dip. The raw data
value is then weighted according to the inverse of the distance
raised to a user defined power from 0 to 1000.
KRIGE uses simple, ordinary, or universal (1st, 2nd or 3rd order)
Kriging to estimate point, polygonal, cell, or block model values.
Program capabilities allow lognormal or indicator Kriging, as
well as either point or block estimation. Any number of nested
variogram models may be provided by the user, each with its own
anisotropy. An option is provided for cross-validation.
LOCATE relates data coordinate values to bounding surfaces and
polygons. This allows planimetric, geological or other information
to be assigned based on spatial coordinates.
POLYEST performs estimation of an area-of-influence using the
polygonal method. Polygons can be written to an output file or
stored in the database.
TREND estimates point, or cell values using a trend surface fitted
to the input data values. Trend order can be set from 1 to 10.
Residuals can be calculated for input data and stored in the
database. Gradients can be generated and stored in the database
for both the input data points and the gridded points.
TRIGRID estimates a data
value at each point of a two-dimensional model supplied by the
user. The algorithm triangulates the raw data points, and projects
gradients to calculate the model value.
VARIO VARIO calculates
and displays two and three dimensional directional variograms.
Both linear and logarithmic variograms may be calculated. The
parameters of a best-fit model may be calculated and displayed
interactively. The final model may be stored for later use by
the KRIGE program.
COORDCNV is a map coordinate conversion program based on the
Coordinate System Mapping Package by Mentor Software Inc. COORDCNV
allows the conversion of points, and polygons from one coordinate
system to another. It also provides coordinate conversion between
the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27) and the North American
Datum of 1983 (NAD83). New features allow the plotting of Lat-long
data and coordinate grids onto base maps in any other coordinate
ARC2TB ARC2TB is a two-way
conversion utility that allows the user to convert coordinate
and attribute data stored in ARC/Info or ArcView 2 directly into
a TECHBASE database. Conversions will be performed for
Shapefiles (points, lines, and polygons), and GRID data. ARC2TB
also converts TECHBASE data and geometry to equivalent
structures within ARC/Info.
DEM2TB DEM2TB is a two-way
conversion utility that allows the user to convert Digital Elevation
Model files directly into TECHBASE databases. DEM2TB also
converts TECHBASE cell tables into Digital Elevation Model
files with DEM file format.
converters are packaged into our Utilities modules, available
for individual or package purchase. All of these conversion programs
are 2-way, with the exception of the TECHBASE to Acrospin
Converts TECHBASE graphics metafiles to AutoCAD DXF files,
and vice versa. TECHBASE colors are exported onto different
AutoCAD layers. With AutoCAD lsp routines available for free
download on our website, will support AutoCAD 14.
Translator for TECHBASE to Acrospin files
TB2DB Translator between TECHBASE and dBASE databases.
Translator for TECHBASE to Geosoft XYZ files
Translator for TECHBASE to I-power data files
TB2AGS Allows the user to convert
all or part of a TECHBASE database to or from an AGS Geotechnical
Data Interchange File.
Converts DMPL format to TECHBASE graphics
Converts HPGL format to TECHBASE graphics
Translator for TECHBASE to AGS file formats
Open Pit I
TAP-Openpit provides preliminary
mine planning and scheduling capability for deposits which are
to be mined using open pit techniques.
OPCONE OPCONE performs cone
mining for generating and ultimate pit or for scheduling production
within a pit. Input parameters include the slope geometry, cutoff
parameters, blending constraints and block evaluation. Using
production targets as input allows the program to be used as
a scheduler. This program uses constraints previously established
by the OPTOPO and OPSLOPE programs, as well as parameters set
by the user with the OPCONE program.
digitized bench outlines to create a pit design or scheduling
increment. Outlines for each bench may be used, or an outline
from a lower bench may be automatically expanded according to
the slope geometry. The outlines may be stored in the database.
OPREPT produces a formatted report of mineable or geologic reserves.
Reports may be produced for any combination of mining period,
bench, and cutoff. A series of cutoffs may be used to produce
a grade-tonnage curve. OPREPT can produce reports on a whole-block
or fractional-block basis. Reports can be produced with bench-by-bench
totals for any number of user-defined material classes.
manages a series of mining templates which describe the set of
blocks which must be mined before mining a given ore block. The
templates are stored as an array of integer bench values in a
slope or "template" file. The results can be displayed
as integers, in double-digit map form. To accommodate a variety
of mining situations, the slopes can vary with direction and
with bench, as well as with different areas of zones in the model.
OPTOPO OPTOPO creates and
manages a description of the topography which allows for efficient
open pit design from a TECHBASE block model. The initial
topography, and a series of post-mining topographies are each
stored as an array of integer bench values. The results can be
displayed as integers, in double-digit map form or converted
back to absolute elevations for display using TAP-Graph or other
TECHBASE programs.
Open Pit II
TAP-Openpit II provides advanced
mine planning and scheduling capabilities.
OP3DLG OP3DLG is an implementation
of the Lerchs Grossman three-dimensional ultimate pit optimization
algorithm. It uses constraints previously established by the
OPTOPO and OPSLOPE programs, along with an economic block model
to compute a pit having the maximum possible net value.
OPSCHED OPSCHED is an interactive
mine scheduling program which honors ultimate pit and current
(previously-mined) topography. It also keeps track of: previous/next
bench for current period, previous/next period for current bench,
current topography and ultimate topography for this bench. Tracking and reporting
capabilities of a user-defined number of material classes. Views
can be changed (zoom, pan, etc.). As a polygon is drawn, the
portion being updated will rubber-band to reflect the current
shape. As the polygon is drawn or modified, the current report
will be dynamically updated to reflect grade, tons, etc.. The
reports can be user-selected as full block by centroid for speed,
or exact block fraction for precision.
TAP-Seam extends modeling capability for layered deposits, as
well as providing mine planning and scheduling capability for
deposits which are to be mined using strip mining techniques.
generator tool which creates a sequence of mining cuts, based
on input geometry, to be mined by the SMPANL program. The cut
sequence is in a form to be displayed graphically or reported
in tabular form.
SMPANL SMPANL mines a sequence
of mining cuts in a layered deposit. Mining can be controlled
by Volume and Tonnage goals, Area disturbed, Number of cuts,
Number of Panels and by Burden. The panel miner program models
different mining configurations which are seam oriented.
SMREPT SMREPT prints a layer-by-layer
report for layered deposits. Either geologic or mineable reserves
may be reported. Any database values may be averaged or totaled
for each layer. Reports can be produced with layer-by-layer totals
for any number of user-defined material classes.
SURFPLUS Surfplus is an interactive graphics tool used to build
single or paired surface models and can be used for editing and
modeling any surface. Paired surface can be "closed"
to form any three dimensional shape defined by a top and a bottom
RESERVE Reserve is an interactive
graphics tool used for classification, calculations, auditing
and reporting reserve data.
TB2US tb2Us is a tool used
convert TECHBASE databases to or from Intergraph Microstation
The TECHBASE Productivity
Tools include the TAG and TECHNICN programs. These programs were
designed to improve data entry methods, automate tasks, and to
increase the productivity of TECHBASE users.
& TGIPLAY TAGIN allows the
user to design custom forms for data-entry. Data validation can
be setup to automatically inform the user of any errors or values
that do not fit the criteria specified. The data entry forms
can contain information in whatever order is most efficient,
including scrolling groups and nested forms.
TGIPLAY allows specially designed
forms, created using the TAGIN program, to be used to input data
directly into a TECHBASE database, with complete data
integrity validation. Each batch of data can be added directly
to the database, or canceled by the user.
TECHNICN TECHNICN allows customer
procedures to be subdivided into a series of easily managed projects
and tasks by a knowledgeable user. These standardized tasks can
then be run repeatedly by anyone in the organization, without
the need for extensive training. Automation with TECHNICN
promotes: Productivity by eliminating the need to manually
step through each task. Consistency - allows the adherence
to corporate standards for output. Standards can be developed
once, and reused on numerous projects and tasks. Flexibility
- since the procedures developed for TECHNICN can be easily
modified using a text editor to meet changing requirements.
(C) Copyright TECHBASEŽ
International 1996-2013. All rights reserved. TECHBASE International Ltd ~
1677 Hearthstone Ct ~ Reno, NV 89521 USA ~ 303-980-5300 ~