The TECHBASE 3D visualization program, Insight3D can be used to interactively view data modeled in TECHBASE. As well, geoTIFF images imported into your TECHBASE database can be draped over topography or plotted at a constant elevation in Insight3D. It has proved instrumental in communicating complex geologic and engineering data in an easy to use format to non-technical audiences. It is in common use to illustrate complex geologic and engineering issues to management. Insight3D has been used in mine planning to convince local planning officials that their viewshed will be protected during progressive industrial minerals mining. Insight3D has been used in numerous Corporate Year-End reports, and  even in litigation support.

Click here to view an Insight 3D demonstration. A few other examples of Insight3D are shown below.

This block model of an industrial minerals deposit is projected in the Insight3D program to better view regional product variability and guide managers in mine planning.


This image of a modeled deposit and ultimate pit shows how the transparency features of Insight can be combined with filtering on economic blocks to show which economic blocks will be mined and which areas 'left behind' after mining is complete.


Dan Linder of Vulcan Materials superimposed regional geology onto topography to give context to their industrial minerals mine in the foreground.


 Image created by Mike Norred, Techbase International. This image was created from an open-pit mine model using the ultimate pit as topography, then setting filters for two sets of blocks in a block model. Color intensities correspond to variations in grade of this deposit.

Trace Element Geochemistry is illustrated in this 3D bubble plot where color coded values correspond to increased size of plotted bubble. A GeoTiff of the local topographic map is draped over modeled topography as a base for geochemistry.



 Atkinson, Washington & Zachary's Eastside Reservoir project, Winchester CA, contributed by Martin Chenoweth. These three views were captured by Martin to illustrate the relationship between a series of cross-sections across the property and mapped surface geology.

Sunshine Mining's Tony Hammond contributed this Insight image of a modeled gold mine in South America. Tony shows detailed geology of the deposit by filtering on rows and columns which are in turn color coded based on economic value of each block.

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