Plots |
Large amounts of data can be analyzed
using our statistics and graphics tools. Here, a large data set
is plotted as a scatter diagram using logarithmic axes. Linear,
date and time axes are also available. Regression, correlation
and basic statistics are calculated as part of our Scatter program
- dramatically expanding the typical graphics program. |
Ternary Diagrams
Plot any TECHBASE field on a Ternary,
or triangular, diagram. You can control what fields are plotted,
axis titles, color, font, and line weight. You can also add any
annotation you wish either as a one line description of the plot,
or more complex field definitions and company logos. |
Time Series Plots
TECHBASE scatter diagrams can be
used to create Time-Series plots. The inherent flexibility of
TECHBASE software allows you to plot many types of data using
our graphing tools. |
Frequency Diagrams |
You can also plot your values on
a cumulative frequency diagram. This example shows a single value
plotted. Multiple values can be placed on the same diagram to
compare and contrast your data. |
Histograms |
Histograms of your data can be produced
with either an linear or logarithmic scale. Pertinent statistics
of your chosen field are automatically plotted on each histogram.
Axes can be linear or logarithmic, date or time values.
Scale Histograms |
This histogram shows the logarithmic
scale option. Colors of axes, bars, annotation are all user defined.
Class size, number, minimum and maximum values are also user
variables, or you can take the defaults calculated by TECHBASE. |
Stiff Diagram |
Use Stiff diagrams to plot your
water chemistry data. Color or pattern fill, text style etc.
are all controlled by the user. |
Diagram |
Piper diagrams can also be used
to represent your water anion and cation data. Different markers
can be used to represent wells, formation source etc. |
Box and Whiskers Diagram |
Create Box and Whiskers diagrams
from your Techbase Data. TECHBASE is used at industrial sites
for environmental monitoring. Not only can it automatically alert
the user if limits are exceeded, but graphs for regulatory agencies
can quickly be created for presentations or reports. |
Variograms |
program analyzes your data in support of modeling programs. Variography,
the construction of variograms, can help determine variables
for Kriging your data either creating contour maps, surfaces,
or creating block models of your deposit as part of volume calculations
or reserve modeling. |
Expansion |
You can design your own TECHBASE
well logs, or enlist our staff to write a log format to fit your
data. Log formats are included in your TECHBASE purchase
in the form of TECHBASE Technicn Scripts. Technicn
is our productivity program which allows you to run, and to write,
scripts for any TECHBASE program. You can write scripts
to set up your database, create cross-sections, calculate volumes
- and most other TECHBASE tasks. Technicn scripts
are particularly useful for creating logs and other repetitive
tasks. |
(C) Copyright TECHBASEŽ
International 1996-2013. All rights reserved.
TECHBASE International Ltd ~
1677 Hearthstone Ct ~ Reno, NV 89521 USA ~ 303-980-5300 ~